



My blog section features the occasional posts relating to design, branding, sports, history, film, former lives and former wives. Somethings, nothings, meanderings and whatever else strikes me as interesting. Since I grew up in the 60s and 70s, I probably saw it on the TV or heard it on FM radio.


Posts in Album
An Open List of My Favorite Album Covers

For my generation, album art for LP vinyl records was an important part of listening to the music we played. In this post, I salute my favorite album cover art in rock history. This is my open list of favorite LP album covers. 'Open' means it's a blog post list that is unfinished and it will be edited over time. There are about 30 covers here, but I feel I have barely made a dent in my list. Take a look and let me know what you think.

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